
The best time to open a life insurance policy is when you are young and healthy.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

Term Life Insurance

Will cover you for a period of time (a term) that you choose. It is the least expensive and simplest type of coverage, initially. Most popular for young, working individuals.

Permanent Life Insurance

These policies offer a few more variations, and provide a life-time of coverage. Permanent life insurance has cash benefits available while you are living. Whole Life Insurance and Universal Life Insurance, and Indexed Life Insurance are the most common types of permanent life insurance.

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Life Insurance

The Most Powerful Way to Create Tax-Free Money is with Life Insurance

Opening a Life Insurance Policy will eliminate both investment and tax risk

We sell Hope, Dreams, and Financial Miracles.

Life Insurance is unique among financial instruments. It is one that is based on caring and love.

Besides the personal advantages to owning life insurance, many people use it as a way to help restore or maintain their family’s financial security after they pass away.

This is one of the many reasons why life insurance is such a powerful asset that can save families financially, and a tool everyone should know about. At GoodInsurance, we will connect you with the top plans, and take time to understand you to ensure you find the best solution for you. Life Insurance could be the greatest investment you ever make because it protects the most important thing…YOUR FAMILY!

Although Life Insurance is arguably one of the most important financial products, it’s easy for you to put off the decision to protect your family. Let GoodInsurance help make life insurance easy, affordable, and rewarding for you and your loved ones. Call our office to set up an appointment to review your current life insurance policy, talk about new options, or open your first life insurance policy.

Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring—owning life insurance will ensure your loved ones are taken care of, debt-free, and worry-free if you aren’t around. Give them a gift they didn’t know they needed.